Investor relations. Positive influence.


Investor relations

Investor relations is a core particle for most of the businesses today, including startups. Company's survival and growth depend on capital, and so managing investors and stakeholders is an essential aspect for all companies. Doing it right and efficiently is a more difficult part, but the media can create a positive image in order to sustain positive investor relations.

When a company is facing a crisis which can affect its stock price, or when a company is raising funds and has to create a global hype around the brand, global media coverage can create the required positive public image.

A startup with a reputable media coverage can influence decision making of an angel investor or a venture capitalist, an SME can influence investors by their global media presence enabling them to prove to investors that the company has global audience and clients from around the world even if it's only based in one location. A public company can do a PR stunt through media to manage its stock price volatility.

Media is a channel to reach out to people to send the brand's message, and since investors care about the influence that companies have over the audiences, media coverage is an exceptional element to have in the company's portfolio and overall strategy.