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Building business awareness in Google pages


Today, Google has become the most powerful online tool. Google search can quickly surf the web, presenting the best and most useful information to users about any topic of their choice. The best part about using Google is that it doesn’t only give credible results, but it also helps us to make unbiased decisions in our daily lives. Positioning a business in Google's first page can significantly increase the company's web traffic, attention and of course - revenue.


Positions your business in front of new clients
A company that appears in Google's first page always has a better opportunity of getting more attention, enabling the business to be seen in front of thousands of potential customers at a time. Research has shown that Google receives at least 167 billion searches per month, so imagine how many more customers you’d get if your business appeared on the first Google page.

Increases your online business potential
When your business eventually appears on Google's first page, your task will be to do everything in power to keep it that way, because as long as you are on the first page, you keep the potential of getting the most out of Google - constant interest from new prospects.

Increases traffic to your website
Most search engines do not just supply the necessary information a user needs. They can also offer a click action that would redirect a user to a business website. When people search for queries online, and your business pops up, the click action would serve as a mean to increase the traffic of your website.

Earns you trust
The best and probably the most essential part about appearing on the first page of Google is the trust you receive. People believe that Google's first page displays the best search results. This trust is transferred to you when they see your business on the first page as people feel that being on the first page takes excellent effort and Google shows the best companies on the first page which have put the most energy in marketing themselves.